Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8: More Steroid Talk?

Frankly, it is beginning to get old. Steroids pop up in most conversations these days surrounding baseball. Players vehemently deny their use, only to turn up on reports of positive tests or, worse yet, testing positive today. But is there any benefit to discussing this day in and day out, trying to determine who is guilty and who isn't?

In the long run, I think this entire era of baseball, from the mid-1990's to now, will be marred by the scandalous accusations swirling around about the use of performance enhancers. To be truthful, many of these are available over the counter, and only became banned recently (such as Andro). Others, though, have been taking anabolic steroids and human growth hormone (HGH), breaking the law while doing so without prescription.

Will we ever determine who really took these enhancers? Show me one player that will admit to using them, and I can show you ten that will deny it completely. The most recent public involvement involved two players that were freinds on the Boston Red Sox, Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz. Ramirez, actually returning from a suspension received for testing positive for a PED to cure other "performance" issues, was found to be on the now-infamous 2003 positive results list. Ortiz was on the same list.

Ramirez's career has an intriguing twist to it. His frist three seasons in Cleveland, he averaged 30 home runs; not a bad number, but not a prolific home run hitter. Then he doesn't hit less that 33 for the next nine years, with years of 45 twice, 44, 43, and 41 among others. Critics may point to his combined 37 home runs last year, after the extensive testing was implemented in 2007 (when he hit 20 home runs in 130 games). But he failed a test in 2009! He was still doing some form of PED, hoping to get past the testing.

Ortiz has an even more meteoric rise. For instance, compare his final season in Minnesota (2002) with his first season in Boston (2003):

412 AB, .272/.339/.500, 20 HR, 52 runs, 75 RBI
448 AB, .288/.369/.592, 31 HR, 79 runs, 101 RBI

The teams are different, and the players provided different hitting scenarios, but his numbers greatly increased. In fact, the Twins released Ortiz because his defense at first was downright bad, and hios hitting did not make him a great DH candidate. Suddenly, he goes to Boston, and increases his output each season, going from 31 to 41 to 47 to 54 home runs in four seasons. It just so happens, he tested positive for PEDs in 2003, his first season in Boston. In 2007, when testing was being thrown around, his power numbers dropped to 35 home runs, with a "poor" 23 home runs in an injury-shortened 2008. Injury-shortened from lack of steroids to promote healing and recovery? We'll never know...

Why will we not know? Because, like Alex Rodriguez before him, he did not pay attention to what he was taking, and can't tell if it would cause him to test positive or not. But he did not take steroids! Can we believe that? Rafael Palmiero lied to Congress, knowing he had failed a test, only to get punished for it later. Roger Clemens claimed people "misremembered." Mark McGuire wanted to sign more autographs and talk about the future, not the past. Sammy Sosa forgot English. More and more we can expect these names to leak out, and players to do the same old song and dance about not knowing what they were taking, but it was not steroids. Who are we to believe? The answer is no one, and that is why this entire era of players will be forever plagued as the Steroid Era.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6: NFL Quarterbacks

On the back of hearing Eli Manning just became the highest paid player in the NFL, I started thinking about the other guys he has to compete with every week in the league. As the highest paid player, is he the best player? Is he even the best quarterback? I formulated my own list of the Top 10 NFL QBs, just to see where he stacked up.
  1. Peyton Manning (Colts): Eli's older brother has been and will be for some time, the most accurate and mentally-strong quarterback in the league. If I had to pick a quarterback to start a team now, I would pick the 33 year old, just to let the rookie that is behind him watch and learn. He can manage a team on the field and knows everyone's role. This knowledge helps him connect with his receivers, at a click of 64.4% of the time for his career, the best in the NFL. He came in as one of the best, and he still is one of the best.
  2. Tom Brady (Patriots): Despite coming off of a knee injury, Brady slots in behind Peyton as the next best thing since, well, Peyton Manning. He has command of his offense as well as Manning. He can manage a game as well, too. In fact, it comes down to choice #1 and #1A. But Manning gets the nod because of his accuracy, where Brady is a "lousy" 63%.
  3. Drew Brees (Saints): A gunslinger right out of the old run-and-shoot styles, Brees will throw the ball almost anywhere at any time. This ability caused San Diego to hold on to him that much longer when they had Philip Rivers sitting on the bench behind him. Last year, Brees threw for an astonishing 5,069 yards, the most in Saints history.
  4. Philip Rivers (Chargers): Brees' replacement in San Diego has done everything but get the elusive Super Bowl Ring. Lead his team to the playoffs for three straight years? Check. Lead the league in passer rating? Check. Gain the respect of teammates by playing hurt? Check. Now all he needs to is get the remaining hardware.
  5. Eli Manning (Giants): The highest paid player is only the fifth best QB? That is right my friends. While he has the ring, Manning is not a player that can carry a team when it is necessary. He is a very good player, and works well in the Giants offensive scheme. But he is not able to throw for 50 times in a game and carry his team to the victory consistently.
  6. Donovan McNabb (Eagles): McNabb has been on a roller coaster of a career, but he has been able to hang in there through all of it and make himself into a good QB. His weapons have always been suspect, with the exception of Brian Westbrook, and yet he still puts the Eagles in a position to win.
  7. Ben Roethlisberger (Steelers): Two rings helps his argument, but like Manning, Big Ben can't grab the ball and sling it around the field and lead his team to victory consistently. The power running game turns Ben from a hurler to a manager, and he plays that role VERY well.
  8. Tony Romo (Cowboys): If he can ever get the playoff monkey off his back, he might climb the list. But leading a team to 12, 13 or 14 wins means nothing when you lose the first time out. Romo is more of a risk taker, but he has the mental acumen to still maintain his composure to run the team.
  9. Carson Palmer (Bengals): Injuries make this a tough pick, but when he is healthy, Palmer has top 5 potential. With a solid receiving corp, Palmer has been the carrying force for the Bengals for the last four years and he is poised to return with a new elbow from Tommy John surgery.
  10. Kurt Warner (Cardinals): A Super Bowl run will definitely rejuvenate a career, but Warner should be on the list based on his home run potential. As the prize member of the "Greatest Show on Turf" in St. Louis, we all know Warner could throw. Pair him with Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin, and it was a lethal team.

Just missing the cut: Matt, Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Jay Cutler, Matt Cassel, Matt Hasselbeck, Chad Pennington

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4: Interesting Trend

I was reading some articles on Baseball Prospectus yesterday and watching baseball on TV when something hit me. Actually, it occurred after reading the article and seeing Rick Ankiel's name scroll along the Bottom Line. I don't recall having ever heard about or seen so many pitchers make the jump from the mound to the field successfully.

Recently, there have been a select few that have resurrected their careers by trading in the mound for the field. The most notable is Rick Ankiel, the stud pitcher turned centerfielder for the Cardinals. Ankiel went 11-7 for the 2000 Cardinals before completely coming undone in the postseason, throwing five wild pitches in an inning in Game 1 of the NLDS. He never regained his form, and by 2002 was out of the majors because of injuries and control issues. In 2004, he switched to the outfield and after overcoming more injuries, became a full-time outfielder in St. Louis in August 2007. This is amazing! These players have honed their skills since they were five years old, but he was able to switch mid-career and make it work.

In the Baseball Prospectus article I read, the top of the futures list was Scott Beerer. As an Aggie, I loved him playing third and outfield while closing for the Aggies. But the Rockies drafted him and made him a reliever. After some injuries, he never regained his form. He asked for a position move, the Rockies declined, and Beerer retired. For two years, he practiced and was able to return this year as an outfielder, where he has mashed his way through low-A and high-A.

The Astros have a similar story with Brian Bogusevic, the first round pick out of Tulane in 2005. His best run (9-7 at high-A) came as a 22 year old, having already shed the "prospect" label. But after 2008, he switched back to the outfield where he had played at Tulane. At AAA this year, for the first time at that level pitching or fielding, he has an OBP of .346 and is slugging .723. Not bad for a struggling pitcher...

This phenomenon is not a new idea. Pitchers have been found from position players in the past. In fact, the Astros Chris Sampson (shortstop) and Brandon Backe (utility) were position players before finding their calling. But what is causing the swing the other direction with such success?

Part of that can be answered by the fact that these are top-notch athletes. Gone are the days of boozing and carousing in the offseason. Now, that only happens at night, as players workout year round for the season's wear and tear. Therefore, these players have elevated themselves over others at every step, from high school to college to MLB. Moving from one facet to the other only requires a modified skill set, one that most of us have but can't do at that level. But an athlete that has been playing his entire life can make that switch, and have a very good chance of being successful at it.

Another reason for this increase might be the fact that some of the previous players to switch did so early on in their careers, before they were "known" as pitchers. Factor in the technology and reporting boom, and players that switched in A-ball without so much as a murmur are now reported to the fans. It can be found on statistical websites, team sites, and even fan sites.

Finally, I think another reason is that teams are trying to find and develop quality pitching. In college, it is not uncommon for a position player to double as a relief pitcher, or start one of the games on the weekend. Having watched the Aggies and opponents when I was in college, I saw this occur on many occasions. But in MLB, the old mantra of "pitching wins championships" has caused teams to draft these two-way players and declare them pitchers. Teams hope quantity will create quality, as a percentage of these pitchers will develop into major league talent. Other times, the player demands to become a pitcher because of the future returns. By that, I mean the chances of pitching under the big lights are better than catching a fly under them. On major league rosters, there are generally 11 or so pitchers versus one or two players at the other positions. Doing the math, that means there are roughly 330 pitchers and, at the most, 60 or so position players for every other position. I'd like my odds as a pitcher, too.

This "pigeon-holing" of combo players has created a glut of pitching in the minors. A majority of these pitchers will never pan out and retire as minor leaguers. Others will get the chance to live their dreams, only from a different view on the field.

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3: Hometown Rant

This may be completely unorganized, and there is a chance I may repeat myself more than once. But I was not a happy camper when I returned from vacation, only to find that the Astros couldn't decide if they were buyers or sellers, so they decided to sit pat. The relaxing vacation waves rolled off, and in crept the "I can't believe it!" waves that have accompanied so many Astros seasons in the past.

Now, I don't like to point fingers, but part of this is from the top. Drayton has done a great job with this club, having spent money when he had it (Carlos Lee), even if it might have been too much for too long. But he continually tightens up the purse strings, looking solely at the bottom line. From a business man perspective, this is smart. Attendance is down, the payroll should be too. But people don't buy baseball teams to make money. It is one of the reasons I think Mark Cuban, whom I loathe in the NBA, would be a great idea for baseball. He'd pay to get a winning team, regardless of the bottom line. He'd do it in the NBA too if it weren't for that pesky salary cap.

If Drayton didn't want to pay anymore, then lets get something in return for Tejada, Hawkins, or Blum. These guys aren't the future of any club, but they are a good piece for a contender, something the Astros are not. If they were going to make a run, open up the wallet and get some guys. We didn't have to pieces to make a deal for a front line starter, but there were serviceable arms not named Russ Ortiz out there somewhere. (In a related note, there now is an arm out there named Russ Ortiz. Anyone calling?) Either way, the Astros needed to decide if this is a win now team, with aging and declining stars (Tejada, Rodriguez, Berkman, Lee, Oswalt), or a tear down and rebuild project for the next few years. We opted for the sit on your thumbs approach.

Granted, a lot can happen between now and the waiver deadline, especially with little blocking expected because of a down economy and low profit year. Therefore, expect no Randy Myers incidents this year. (For those that don't know, the Padres claimed Myers and his $6+ million salary to prevent the Braves from getting him, fully expecting the Blue Jays to take him off waivers. Instead, the Padres ate two more years at that rate, with Myers never pitching in the big leagues again.) That means we might see Tejada and some other parts moved between now and August 31.

That does not address the fact that the Astros needed to do something. As I said before, they can't win with this team. And the future is even worse with a barren farm system coming through. The only bright spots are catcher Jason Castro (thank you!!!) and outfielder Brian Bogusevic, who is blocked by Lee, Pence, and Bourn. Showing one of the bullpen arms to the door would have added at least a couple B level prospects. And getting rid of Blum, a good bench player for a contender because of his versatility and bat, would have yielded a similar catch. Instead, we are going to buy into the Astros "We can win!!!" belief for one more year, sit back, and drink our Kool-Aid like men. Here's to 2010!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Out for a while. Will be back in just under a week.

July 25: Trading or Transfering?

This question brings an interesting twist to what we could consider for the major sports here in the US. As a matter of fact, I have been thinking about this for some time, beginning when I started paying attention to the Premier League intently. This happens to coincide with finding out about fantasy soccer, but my fantasy addiction is left for another time and another entry.

In international soccer, players are not always traded outright from one team to another. Teams recognize that players will develop and their wages should increase. Therefore, teams will submit transfer figures to the opposing teams. This amount is to release the player from the contract they are currently under and let the paying team negotiate a new contract. Then the player can switch teams, and his team is left with a pile of money instead.

This was in the news recently as Cristiano Ronaldo moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid for almost $132 million. This outrageous amount is paid directly into the account of Manchester United, and they can use those funds to purchase their own players, or they can just hang on to it. Transactions like this occur across Europe, as big teams pluck new talent from the lower tiers, and the lower tiers retool lineups and rosters. Teams will even accept multiple bids, leaving the paying teams to out-negotiate with each other over the services of the player. Sometimes, if a team has no more use for a player, or just desires for him to leave, they will let them go on free, or without the other team having to pay any money at all.

This was a novel idea when I first read about it, and piqued my interest even more as I got into the nuts and bolts. There are many different variations that can occur. Sometimes, teams will not only include money, but players may switch hands as well. For instance, a team may switch strikers, with one paying $5 million more to make the deal happen. Other times, a team is more interested in the rights to the player than the player himself. This could be as a future investment for the club or for transfer money. They will purchase him with a loan agreement back to the original team. This means the player will play for his original team, but is owned by another squad. Loans are also very common, as teams will not need a player and not want to pay the salary, but will not want to lose the benefits of a big money transfer deal down the line.

How can this play out in the MLB, NBA, NFL, or NHL? I am not exactly sure, but I think it would be an interesting tweak. For instance, the Cowboys would not have to eat Terrell Owens salary towards the cap if they had agreed with Buffalo to move Owens on a free transfer, with Buffalo renegotiating a contract with him. Also, the Broncos could have shopped Cutler to a number of teams, getting players, cash, and/or draft picks back without having to be limited. And if picks weren't immediately necessary, get cash so they could turn around and try to pry Chad Pennington out of Miami. This would open up possibilities for teams to recoup on players they no longer needed while giving them the chance to avoid prospects flaming out.

In MLB, the ever-present traders could recoup cash to sink into future signing bonuses, development, scouting, or acquiring their own talent. Instead of trading Adam LaRoche for some guess prospects, they could get $3 million for him. This money could help resign Jack Wilson or Freddy Sanchez, it could go towards signing Scott Boras clients, or it could be used to improve the minor system already in place. The Althletics could get Brett Wallace at third, but then receive $5 million for the rest of Matt Holliday, only to turn around and send $3 million to the Dodgers for three prospects that the Dodgers are willing to part with.

And in the NBA, the trade amounts that must be relatively equal could be a thing of the past as teams pay not for expiring contracts, but for the chance to sign players now. The Knicks pay $35 million to the Cavs for the chance to sign LeBron now. Not to be outdone, the Nets also pony up the money, and a bidding war ensues. And the Bulls, desperate for a post presence, can agree with Utah to swap Boozer for Tyrus Thomas and $6 million which the Jazz put towards Milsap's contract.

This is not a sure thing. Teams in Europe make millions of dollars each year, but are still way over their heads in debt. And in the NBA and MLB, if we are to believe the reports, the money might not be there for the transfer system. But it would be pretty neat, though, wouldn't it?

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24: Perfect Game

Mark Buehrle's career has been a dream come true. I mean, this guy was selected in the 38th round of the 1998 draft. Sandwiched between shortstop Shaun Skrehot and outfielder T.J. Bird, the White Sox found their future ace. But it gets even better.

Buerhle only made 36 minor league appearances before joining the Chicago White Sox in the middle of 2000. He pitched once out the pen before moving into the rotation, and anchor ever since. He has gone on to pitch a no-hitter (April 18, 2007), pitch a perfect game (July 23, 2009), and lead his team to a dominating World Series win in 2005. From a 38th round pick!

To me, Buehrle reminds me of Tom Glavine when he was around 30. Neither can zip it by, as both struggled to get it to 90 mph. But both had the proper mentality to make it work, hitting their spots, and making batters miss. As a matter of fact, Glavine and Buehrle have similar careers at this point. Glavine was 124-82 in 262 starts. Buehrle is 122-87 in 268 starts. Not a bad model...

And better yet, Glavine is a Hall of Fame candidate with 300+ wins under his belt. And he never threw a perfect game or a no-hitter! He did manage 2 Cy Youngs, which Buehrle is still waiting on. But I feel that Buehrle, if he can maintain his current order, is a Hall of Famer in the making.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23: Rose-Colored Glasses

With the only story that piqued my interest involving the steroid user who shall not be named in Los Angeles, I decided to focus on the steroid debacle across sports to determine the reaction. I would compare it to someone that is considered a "dirty" player or a "bad guy" or "big mouth." These players get reputations that cause opposing fans to dislike and even hate them for what they do. For instance, I have always disliked Rasheed Wallace because he is a big mouth jerk that can't help but stick his foot in his mouth during a game, or shoving an opposing player, or getting in their face, etc. I even dislike people for doing the right thing. An example of this is David Eckstein, who always runs on the field, even when he walks. Come on! It was a walk! But I digress...

These players always hold this reputation, even when they change teams. Ron Artest was a bully in Indiana, and he became the same bully in Sacramento. Charles Barkley was a big mouth that talked a better game than he played at times in Phoenix and I couldn't help but smile when I saw him get torched on defense or his team lose. Both of these players were ones that fell into my dislike category.

And then they came to my Houston Rockets. Now I am a homer for Houston teams, and I make no bones about it. So when these "bad guys" showed up via trade, what was I to do? I was too young when Barkley arrived to understand the complete 180 I performed upon here he had arrived. I became the biggest Barkley supporter, ready for him to lead the team back to the Western Conference champs. With Artest, I realized I was switching sides, even as I tried my hardest to avoid it. I downgraded the trade, claiming it was a bad move for bad chemistry. He was a ball hog that wouldn't play the ball into Yao. Blah, blah, blah. Then I look up and can't be happier to see Artest in a Rockets uniform, wreaking the same havoc he did to the Rockets, to opposing teams. He was in their face, pushing around, and taunting them. And I ate it all up. Take that NBA!

I think this phenomenon is also what has saved some of the steroid blow back. Home fans could really care less if the guys plays well. For instance, Miguel Tejada was found to have lied about steroid use. Astros fans didn't give a damn, just as long as he played solid short and swung the bat well. A-Rod got into the fan's good graces when he played well. Now we see the reaction in Mannywood, where his pinch hitting appearance gets a bigger cheer than anything else in the evening (except when he hits a grand slam). Throughout the country, "steroid users" have been given the pass. And for the rest of the country, the story eventually runs dry, and other issues take over. The people that see him every day, that should remember the peril he placed his team in by missing 50 games, seem to have selective amnesia. This, my friend, is watching the sports world through rose-colored glasses.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22- Baseball Blinders

Today I am going to discuss what I refer to as baseball blinders. These prevent someone from seeing the big picture and let them get wrapped into a short-term focus. As an example, I will look at the Astros the last few years.

Since the Astros made it to the World Series in 2005, they have never had a team that could contend for a title. The pitching left when Pettite and Clemens left, only to be replaced by Jason Jennings and Randy Wolf. But the last two years, the team has made runs during the year to climb back into contention and miss out at the end. I don't know why, but this makes fans happy. Granted, at the time the winning is going on, everyone has that high. But they never make it, and if they did, it would be an embarrassing result in the opening round. Think if the team made it last year. Roy Oswalt followed by Wandy Rodriguez and Randy Wolf? Not a pretty thought...

And here the Astros are this year, making a "run" to the Central lead, only two games back from the Cardinals. And the prospects for a postseason bid this year would be even bleaker. Oswalt, Rodriguez, and Hampton? Ouch. But after winning last night, the fans are already hopping on the bandwagon. Now, I am not going to dispute that it is nice to have a solid team in town. But is it enough for everyone just to scrape into the playoffs and get hammered? Personally, I think just getting there is not enough. Ask Rockets fans if it is enough when they were first round flameouts for years.

Now, I don't think this team is terrible (like the Nationals), but they are not the Dodgers or Phillies. Hell, they aren't even the Brewers, Cardinals, or Cubs. Therefore, they should start thinking about next year. The GM should have foresight and start rebuilding a terrible farm system. Tejada is an asset this year, and should be moved for prospects. Let Edwin Maysonet show what he can do at SS. Blum or Erstad could shore up a contenders bench. And we have the chance to get some decent prospects. In the long run, I think it should be title contender or regroup. This year, the Astros are not title contenders. Therefore, they should be in rebuild mode and get ready for a 2010 campaign.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21: Lamar Odom and Replay in Baseball

One of the big news items from yesterday is the destination of free agent Lamar Odom. He is being openly courted in Miami by Dwyane Wade for a triumphant return. The Miami offer is a pretty robust one, but not in the $8-$10 million that I think Odom felt he could get. But his other option, a return to LA, is resulting in no news from the club. Odom even spoke with owner Jerry Buss to no avail.

Odom's best bet, for an immediate career move that will net him more opportunities for more rings, is to resign in LA and rejoin Kobe and Pau Gasol with newly-signed Ron Artest to form a very good core for a repeat run. In the long run, though, a signing of Odom could signify an intent by the Heat to retain Wade. Toss in the fact that Carlos Boozer has tabbed Miami as his top destination, the Heat could have a Celtics-like return to the top by adding two stars, Odom and Boozer (Garnett and Allen), to the already established one, Wade (Pierce). The Heat would join the talk with Boston, Cleveland, and Orlando and might even move to the front of the class.

All that said, I think that the longer the Heat's offer sits on the table, the more likely Odom goes to LA. He is obviously not signing it for a reason, and it isn't to get more money from Miami. It is all they can offer. He is waiting to see what the Lakers throw his way. His resigning will lock the Lakers in as preseason favorites by a mile to repeat for the title.

The other big item was the comeback and exciting finish in Oakland between the Twins and Athletics. The Athletics came back from being down 1o runs in the 3rd inning to win the game 14-13. The final out came on a tag by pitcher Michael Wuertz on a sliding Michael Cuddyer at the plate following a wild pitch. The call was out, but replay showed the umpire had a terrible angle on the play and that Cuddyer slid in safe before the tag was applied.

MLB has implemented instant replay for close calls on the warning track to determine if it was a home run or fan interference. This was brought on by a rash of calls that went the wrong way early last season. But critics of the replay said that it was only the beginning, and that the league would begin to implement it in more and more situations. They were right.

I think it is time for the league to increase the usage of replay to include close plays at the bags. While human error has always been "part of the game," the technology that has developed has helped let the actual players decide the outcome in basketball (last second shots) and football (coach challenges). There is no reason that the same mindset can't allow baseball to move in the same direction. An extra official at each game designated to review close plays should be simple enough to put in place. Even if it is a handheld device for the head umpire, as was discussed in launching the home run replay, would suffice. It would be quick without much delay. Did the foot hit the bag first or the ball in the glove? Slow motion and frame by frame can makes it easy to determine.

No more are we left screaming at an umpire that won't change his mind as Ron Gardenhire and Michael Cuddyer were left doing Monday night. Close plays can be corrected quickly and efficiently, allowing the game to continue as it should. But what if it is too close to make a determination? Baseball minds already had this in mind way back when: tie goes to the runner!

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20: Tom Watson and Summer Baseball

So I expected Tom Watson to have four or five holes that derailed his run. I just didn't expect it to be 18 and the four playoff holes to follow. It was sad watching it on TV because everyone there except for Mrs. Cink was rooting for Watson, and he caved in like no other. What is it about the British Open that destroys people? Van de Velde and Mickelson have both felt the heartache that Watson will no doubt feel for the near future. While he had 5 Open wins already, this is one that got away.

Also, is anyone else tiring of baseball? I always say it won't be me, but it happens. They call it the dog days of summer for a reason. Teams are close enough that you are still in contention, but so much baseball is to be played that it is hard to get into every game. I have been watching the Astros, streaking as of late, and they look like they might make a miracle run again this season. Drayton has to understand how much better this team might be with another arm in the rotation. Perhaps he will see the light and trade Tejada before the break. Because, facing the facts, even if this team makes a run, they have much less firepower than Milwauke and Chicago and maybe even St. Louis. Food for thought...

Finally, it is getting close to football season, both NFL and college. Nothing is better than a full Saturday slate of college games followed by a full Sunday. I can't wait.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Midseason Awards

NL MVP: Albert Pujols, Cardinals
This one is a no-brainer for me, especially looking at how the Cardinals, a team suspected of struggling in the division, are leading the Brewers and Cubs in a tight division race. He set a personal best for homers before the break (32), and leads the NL in homers, RBIs (87) and is fourth in average (.332). Not bad for a guy that teams avoid like the Plague when pitching.

NL Cy Young: Tim Lincecum, Giants
He is following his first Cy Young campaign with an equally amazing one. This time, though, the team is following. Last year, he won on a team that struggled to do much of anything. This year, the resurgent Giants are scoring runs and helping the pitching. Not that Lincecum needs it. His 10 wins and 2.33 ERA are second in the NL in both categories, and he leads the league with 149 strikeouts. This kid is the real deal, and he has the Giants in contention for the playoffs.

NL Manager of the Year: Jim Tracy, Rockies
This was a close one between Tracy and Joe Torre, but Tracy has done more with less since an 18-28 start by the team. Since then, the team is 29-13, getting back to within two games of the wild card leading Giants. He has pushed the right buttons and turned players that were considered declining into stars again. Jason Marquis, an offseason acquisition from the Cubs, leads the NL with 11 wins. Todd Helton, the career Rockie, is hitting .319 with 10 homers and 57 RBIs. And all this after trading away All-Stars Matt Holliday and Brian Fuentes. Not too shabby...

NL Surprise: San Francisco Giants
The Giants are coming off a 72-90 campaign with there eyes on a rebuilding process. Instead, they made some shrewd moves and find themselves leading the wild card in the NL. The team had some veteran presence in Aaron Rowand and Bengie Molina, but added Edgar Renteria and Randy Johnson to the mix. Both have led the resurgence, aided by Pablo Sandoval, Travis Ishikawa, and other younger players. The pitching, a strength in the preseason, has held serve, with Lincecum, Matt Cain, Johnson, and others pitching lights out. The offense, the big question mark, has been inspired. This team is no mirage, but no one expected these results.

NL Bust: Chicago Cubs
In a toss up with the Mets, the Cubs win because of the promise they showed last year before falling flat. They sent off productive players (such as Jason Marquis), only to land players that have been more headache than help. Milton Bradley has not provided the lefty power they craved. Moreover, no player is hitting over .300, with Ryan Theriot leading those with enough at bats with a .299 average. Injuries have been an issue, and the team has struggled to score runs with the pitching allowing only 353, third in the NL. Unless that stagnant offense finds a spark, it will only continue the countdown of The Curse.

AL MVP: Derek Jeter, Yankees
While the season started slow in New York, everyone panicked that the big new signings where more bust and not boom. In the tumult, fingers were waving all around the room, at Mark Texeira, AJ Burnett, CC Sabathia, and the poster child for steroids, Alex Rodriguez. But none fell on The Captain, and he plodded through, providing good defense to go with a solid bat. He is hitting .321, has 10 homer, and stolen 17 bases. More than that, he was able to keep everyone on track and help carry the team early, giving them the chance to shoot out and grab the AL wild card at the break. He helped Joe Girardi get out of the hot seat in two weeks and should help end the playoff drought soon enough.

AL Cy Young: Zack Greinke, Royals
Some thinking a winning team is a component, but I disagree. This kid was lights out early on, and has remained so after a short three start bump. He leads the AL in ERA (2.12), is second in wins (10), and third in strikeouts (129), all for a team 14 games under .500. He has won more than a quarter of the teams games, and must pitch brilliantly to get those numbers. His season is similar to Lincecum's year last season, and he shows no signs of letting up.

AL Manager of the Year: Don Wakamatsu
This was another close one, but he has turned a team that was terrible last year into one that is in the wild card hunt in the strong AL. The team was turned over in the offseason, seeing Raul Ibanez, JJ Putz, and Jeremy Reed leave via free agency or trade. The team rebuilt, mixing veterans with prospects, including Ken Griffey Jr. and Russell Branyan. After getting the pieces in place, Wakamatsu made them all work in unison. Similar to Tracy, he has pushed the right buttons to get this team to start winning again.

AL Surprise: Texas Rangers pitching
Every year, the Rangers score lots of runs. And every year, they give up just as many. But this year, the pitching has been as advertised, and the team is showing that it can compete. Kevin Millwood bought into the mantra to pitch to contact and pitch for innings. He leads the AL in innings pitched, and has let one of the best defenses in the league cover his back. Adding Elvis Andrus to short, allowing an already adequate shortstop-turned-third baseman Mike Young to shift over. Add in a solid outfield corps, and this staff was ready. It doesn't hurt to get good performances from players no one had heard of (Scott Feldman [8-2, 3.73 ERA]) or thought were long gone (Vincente Padilla [7-4, 4.53 ERA]). With the hitting continuing to mash, and the pitchers knowing how to throw it, the Rangers are looking like contenders for the September push.

AL Bust: Cleveland Indians
Narrowly edging out Oakland, which landed one of the best hitters available only to beat the Indians in the AL, the Indians have taken it on the chin this year. Reigning AL Cy Young award winner Cliff Lee started out looking like a AAA pitcher, and the scrap heap provided there only other starter (Carl Pavano). Meanwhile, offensive stalwarts Travis Hafner (injured), Grady Sizemore (.238), and Jhonny Peralta (.257) have not been able to get the offense going. The team. readying for a breakout performance following a supposed lull last year, might be looking to bust this apart and start again sooner rather than later.

July 16

To try to get to a daily routine, I am going to post stuff about that day or day before, and then have special posts every now and then.

Yesterday might be the most boring sports day in the summer, as baseball is on hiatus. But we have the All-Star game recap to think about plus other "fringe" sports. The Game was great. It was fast and fairly exciting. Some great catches (Werth and Crawford) and some decent pitching saw the AL win for the 13th freaking time in a row! Really!?! It just shows that the DH has turned the AL into an offensive juggernaut. I know those were position players, but the DH makes it a more offense-driven league. This is starting to look like the Western Conference versus the Eastern Conference from top to bottom. Top can compete (Dodgers, Rockies, etc.) but the bottom is way away. Perhaps it will swing in time, but for now, I predict an AL lock on home field in the World Series.

Also, the British Open started way too early this morning to be considered today, so I'll count it. Tom Watson (yes, that Tom Watson) is a shot back and contending for his 6th British Open. The man is on the Senior Tour, and showed those boys a thing or two. Just goes to show, at the British, where the rough is really rough and the winds are always killer, low ball hitters that don't make mistakes are golden. He played today to avoid mistakes and make birdies where he could. That is the key. But all that said, Watson likes to collapse in a string of holes somewhere over the four days. I expect nothing less this time too.

Finally, Jeremy Mayfield tested positive again for a banned substance. Now, I am a Nascar fan. But obviously this guy is giving the smarter drivers a bad name. Catch me once, shame on me. Catch me twice, I am a blithering idiot. See you later, Jeremy. Next time, call Manny Ramirez to get advice on how to handle the situation. The fans still love him, even if he cheated the game and his team. Now Mayfield will have the scarlet letter on him throughout the rest of his career, which I think is officially over. No team without a driver or sponsor, which is what he will have sooner rather than later now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Eastern Conference Grades

Toronto Raptors: A (9- DeMar DeRozan)
I usually don't like the one player draft, but I can make an exception. This pick was fabulous! The team has a good lineup already (Bosh, Bargnani, Calderon) but needed a flashy scorer to fill it out. Enter DeRozan. He is not polished yet, and needs some time to reach his potential. But watch out when he does. He has the chance to be a great playmaker from a combo spot in the NBA.

Atlanta Hawks: A- (19- Jeff Teague [PG], 49- Sergiy Gladyr [SG])
The Mike Bibby era is over, but there are ample replacements now. Jamal Crawford will get his chance to finally play in the playoffs, but Jeff Teague was a guard that I thought was as good, if not better than, Rubio, Flynn, or Jennings. He has amazing quickness, and you can barely keep him out of the paint. Watch for floating alley-oops to Josh Smith in the near future. Team his slashing with Smiths and Joe Johnson's shooting, and this is a tough team. Gladyr is a project, but looks to be a good Euro prospect. Give him a few years and he should be on the bench in Atlanta.

Philadelphia 76ers: A- (17- Jrue Holiday [PG])
Another one pick draft that I love. Holiday had fallen because of some shoulder injury concerns, which keeps this out of an A grade. But, like Danny Grainger some time back, he goes 17th and is ready to show the world he can make it. The 76ers could not have been happier how this played out. Andre Miller is no longer a huge priority, and the 76ers have a PG to team with Iguodala and Brand to make a run this year, and the PG for the future too.

Charlotte Bobcats: B+ (12- Gerald Henderson [SG], 40- Derrick Brown [PF])
This was a good draft from a team that has been missing that for some time. Henderson gets to watch his clone, Raja Bell, and learn how to make it in the NBA as a slashing defender with not a lot of shooting ability. That said, there are a lot of worse things to become (like Adam Morrison). And Brown has a big future, assuming he develops into the player he can be. As a future grab, he bumps the score up because of his ability to contribute now.

Detroit Pistons: B+ (15- Austin Daye [SF], 35- DaJuan Summers [SF], 39- Jonas Jerebko [SF])
Three wings would usually warrant a lower grade, but these are three different styles. Daye is a 6'11" three point specialist that will back up Tayshaun Prince but needs to add bulk to move to PF. Summers, considered at the 15th pick, is a bigger player with a developed game that could play PF in a pinch. Jerebko is an asset, left in Europe to develop into a trade piece later or a contributor. Three players that play the same position that contribute in completely different ways.

New Jersey Nets: B+ (11- Terrence Williams [SG])
Despite one pick, I think the Nets did a lot to help the future of the team. After moving Vince Carter, this team had a lot of questions with no true direction. Devin Harris, Courtney Lee, and Brook Lopez will be fixtures, and now Williams should join that group. A top 5 athlete, he is tall for a guard (6'6") and can flat out jump. Look for him to become a terror on defenses because he is too big for a SG and too fast for a SF or PF.

Cleveland Cavaliers: B (30- Christian Eyenga [SF], 46- Danny Green [SF], 57- Emir Preldzic [SF])
The Cavs turned an average drafty one notch higher by getting Danny Green so far down. Green is the kind of player that can help the Cavs now, as opposed to the other two. Both Eyenga and Preldzic need two or three years of international seasoning. But Green is a solid passer and shooter, and can be a great rotation guy for the Cavs. To find that in the middle of the second round is a good thing. There score would have been lower after having taken Eyenga when DeJuan Blair and Sam Young, both immediate contributors, were on the board.

Indiana Pacers: B (13- Tyler Hansborough [PF], 52- A.J. Price [PG])
This is the definition of a draft designed to build a team that can compete in the diluted Eastern Conference. Needing to get a physical presence, the Pacers grabbed Hansborough, perhaps the player with the best projected game in the draft. Not a star, he will be a workhorse in the paint. I think of Jeff Foster with an offensive game. Next, they wanted a point early, but grabbing Price in the second round is insurance. He can be a solid backup point guard, but won't wow anyone. He can be a good third guard option to season to replace Jarrett Jack, assuming he re-signs.

Miami Heat: B- (42- Patrick Beverly [PG], 60- Robert Dozier [SF])
The Heat arrived without a first round pick (thanks Pat Riley; was Ricky Davis worth it). But they had their eye on Beverly, an interesting player that played in Ukraine last year after leaving school. Now he is going to come in as a rotation player, being a solid option off the bench for a team of playmakers. Dozier has the talent to be one of those playmakers, but has never lived up to it. He'll have a shot, not in the NBA, but somewhere, to show he has the tools to match his talent.

Milwaukee Bucks: B- (10- Brandon Jennings, 41- Jodie Meeks [SG])
I give the Bucks credit for standing tough and getting the guy they wanted in their slot. But I think Jennings will be a huge disappointment in the league. A guy that can't get into college has the intelligence to manage the game in the NBA? I don't know. If he does manage to make it, he could be the best in the draft. Meeks is a big-time scorer that lacks athleticism. I question his ability to create his own shot, which on the Bucks, a player must do without a slashing type player now that Richard Jefferson is gone.

New York Knicks: B- (8- Jordan Hill [PF], 29- Toney Douglas [SG])
The Knicks went into the draft hoping and praying to get Stephen Curry. When he left the board right before them, it became apparent that Hill was their only choice. Don't get me wrong; I think Hill will be a terrific contributor in the NBA. But they desperately needed a passing point, and saw Rubio, Flynn, and Curry leave all three picks in front of them. Now the Knicks are stacked in the post (Hill, David Lee, Milicic) with still no guard options. This might indicate that the team is leaning towards moving David Lee to clear payroll for a run at LeBron.

Boston Celtics: C+ (58- Lester Hudson [SG])
The Celtics get slightly below average because the player is a long shot from coming through. But what can you expect from the second to last pick in the draft. Hudson is out of Tennessee-Martin, a tiny school, and has had no real competition. He can flat out ball, but he is also old (24). He might be a replacement for Eddie House down the road, but he has a lot of developing to do, something that is hard for a 24 year old.

Chicago Bulls: C+ (16- James Johnson [PF], 26- Taj Gibson [PF])
The Bulls signaled their intention to place Tyrus Thomas on the trading block by picking Johnson. He is almost the same player, with the ability to guard a SF or PF. He is still a work in process, but has moments of brilliance, much like Thomas. I think he is the replacement for him, which may even be this season. But how many lanky post players can one team have? Never too many, according to the Bulls, who added to the glut with Gibson. A project player, I think they already had enough of the. A low post scorer or replacement for a most-likely-departing Ben Gordon would have been better.

Orlando Magic: INC (no picks)
The Magic went in without a pick and left without a pick. The team is pretty content after making the Finals, losing Turkoglu and Lee in the offseason. Turkoglu was a huge blow, but Vince Carter should help ease their pain. Look for them to move Rafer Alston at some point to get another wing defender to pair with Rashard Lewis.

Washington Wizards: INC (no picks)
Unlike the Magic, the Wizards went in with a pick but traded it to Houston for cash. This is a decent move, considering they moved the 5th overall pick for two solid veterans (Mike Miller and Randy Foye). With them in the fold, the Wizards become a viable team again, with Miller adding shooting to Arenas slashing, and Foye manning the point if Arenas needs to move over. Teamed with Jamison, this team looks like a playoff team in the East.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Western Conference Draft Grades

San Antonio Spurs: A+ (37- DeJuan Blair [PF], 51- Jack McClinton [PG], 53- Nando de Colo [PG])
An A+ for the draft, but getting Richard Jefferson makes the week an A++. Blair was a tremendous get considering his potential, and he has a great chance to be one of the best from this draft. McClinton gives the Spurs a great shooter off the bench, ready to grab and pop the kick outs from the post. de Colo is one of the premier guards in Europe, and like his predecessor Tony Parker, will be ready to come over in two years and play. All around a great draft.

Los Angeles Clippers: A (1- Blake Griffin [PF])
The Clippers told everyone from day 1 who they wanted, and they finally made it official. I think the Clippers might be coming out of the cellar with a core of Griffin, Gordon, and Thornton. Add in the veteran presence of Baron Davis, Chris Kaman, and Marcus Camby, and you have the makings of a team that might contend.

Houston Rockets: A- (32- Jermaine Taylor [SG], 34 Sergio Llull [SG], 44- Chase Budinger [SF])
The Rockets receive a high grade for getting Budinger, a possible elite talent, so far down and getting three picks after starting with none. Taylor is a scoring machine that can be a great contributor off the bench. Budinger was a lottery pick two years ago, and has the athleticism and outside shot to really help the team. Llull is a long term project that will play overseas.

Minnesota Timberwolves: A- (5- Ricky Rubio [PG], 6- Jonny Flynn [PG], 28- Wayne Ellington [SG], 47- Henk Norel [PF])
The gurus are not hyped about this draft but I am. The Wolves are getting young, and they are doing it with solid players. Rubio is complaining about time, but the Wolves are set to finds their point guard through a competition. Flynn and Rubio get to settle it on the court. Ellington will give them a cheaper version of Mike Miller as a shooter from the outside, while the points will replace the slashing. Plus, they turned excess picks (#14) into future firsts. Most a perplexed, but I think it was a great move and a great idea in getting the franchise point guard.

Denver Nuggets: B+ (14- Ty Lawson [PG])
The Nuggets went for quality over quantity, getting one of the only holes filled on their roster. Chauncey needed a backup, and in comes Lawson, a player that will be ready to take over from him in two or three years. With only one major free agent leaving (Linas Kleiza), the Nuggets got a major piece in another Western Conference run.

Phoenix Suns: B+ (14- Earl Clark [PF], 48- Taylor Griffin [SF])
The Suns are clearly in rebuild mode, after sending Shaq to Cleveland and shopping Stoudemire. But the pick of Clark, a top 5 talent that lacks drive, is a great way to start. Griffin brings toughness, but I am not sure he has what it takes to play the wing. If they get some parts for Stoudemire (such as Biedrins, Curry, etc.) in a deal, this is a good start to piecing the team back together.

Sacramento Kings: B+ (4- Tyreke Evans [PG], 23- Omri Casspi [SF], 38- Jon Brockman [PF])
The Kings did a lot to get rid of the soft label they garnered after trading Artest. All 3 guys are bangers. Overall, I thought all were fairly safe picks to acquire good role players, although Casspi needs to develop some more. I love the Evans pick, and I think he will be a better pro than Rubio.

Utah Jazz: B+ (20- Eric Maynor [PG], 50- Goran Suton [C])
Everybody was wheeling and dealing on draft night, but the Jazz were the Jazz. They stayed put, didn't get excited, and got two good players for the team. I absolutely love the Maynor pick. Despite coming from a small school, I think he is one of the better players and maybe the most NBA-ready player available. And he gets to come in and backup Deron WIlliams, a low pressure situation that he can excel in. Suton is a project, but he showed he can play in college and should get a few years overseas before coming back.

Dallas Mavericks: B (25- Rodrigue Beaubois [PG], 45- Nick Calathes [PG], 56- Ahmad Nivins [PF])
The Mavericks surprised me by taking Beaubois, although they were said to love him, because they needed help now. Beaubois is at least three years away. They salvaged the grade by grabbing the second rounders. First, nabbing Calathes was a steal, although his immediate presence might not happen since he signed a contract to play in Greece. Second, Nivins is a forward that can give them solid bench minutes and provide some punch. Not a bad overall draft, and just above average.

Golden State Warriors: B (7- Stephen Curry [PG])
The Warriors grade may fluctuate, depending on where Curry plays. If he is dealt to Phoenix for Stoudemire, this grade goes higher as the Warriors become a major threat. If not, the disgruntled Monta Ellis and Curry might not work. Both should thrive in Don Nelson's system, but they are small and defensive liabilities (which never slowed Nelson down before). Even if he stays, the grade is a B because of his ability to shoot.

Oklahoma City Thunder: B (3- James Harden [SG], 24- B.J. Mullens [C], 54- Robert Vaden [SG])
The Thunder were in love with Rubio or Harden, but I think they took the better fit for the current team. Westbrook is a solid player, and teamed with Harden create a great complimentary backcourt to Durant, Green, and their big men. Mullens is raw, but he has the ability to become dominant and the best center in the draft. Vaden is a luxury pick. He might stick because of his stroke, but that is all. He is old and lacks athleticism, something that might shorten his career.

Memphis Grizzlies: B- (2- Hasheem Thabeet [C], 27- DeMarre Carroll [PF], 36- Sam Young [PF])
The Grizzlies backed into an average class, literally. Their best pick was Young, a versatile player that was hurt because he is 24. Carroll was the next best, as he provides another versatile big man that can even run the point. Thabeet was hugely overrated, and I feel may be the next Michael Olowakandi. His size and defensive presence will be felt, but that is all. And strong players negate his defense at times, something he will run into in the NBA. I think it was a waste to get a backup center with the second pick, especially with interested teams looking to move up for Rubio or Harden.

Portland Trailblazers: B- (22- Victor Claver [SF], 31- Jeff Pendergraph [PF], 33- Dante Cunningham [PF], 55- Patrick Mills [PG])
I give the Blazers an average grade because this is a draft for the future. They already have the pieces to win, and only Pendergraph would appear to have any run. Cunningham is too small and is a tweener, while Claver and Mills need to develop in Europe. The big miss will be Sam Young and DeJuan Blair, guys that made the draft for other teams.

New Orleans Hornets: C+ (21- Darren Collison [PG], 43- Marcus Thornton [SG])
The Hornets had a glaring need in the front court, but they spent both of their picks on backcourt players. Collison was weird, considering they have a better version already in Chris Paul. A change of tempo guard would have been great, but with Paul set to never leave the floor again, Collison can sit and watch. Thornton is a local boy that can shoot, even if he is small. Might be a rotation player this year.

Los Angeles Lakers: C- (59- Junior Elonu [PF])
I think the Lakers did themselves a disservice in the draft. They drafted two very good guards, but dealt them away. The idea was to clear cap space for Odom and Ariza. But in the long run, they have clearly auctioned off the future for right now. Toney Douglass (to the Knicks) was the kind of player to replace Derek Fisher. Patrick Beverly (to the Heat) was the kind of guy that could take minutes from Vujacic. Instead of preparing for the future, they are older (Fisher and Vujacic). Hope it pays off...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Most people are unaware that Wimbledon is going on right now across The Pond. Last year, the tournament had an epic finish. Roger Federer, owner of five straight silver cups, was ousted by the new upstart (Rafael Nadal), showing he wasn't solely a clay wonder. The buzz was ready for a rematch this year. But for those that were aware of this years tournament, that buzz quickly became back page news when Nadal withdrew from the tournament, citing the same creaky knees that limited his French Open play and ended his reign there.

NOT SO FAST! That being said, there is possibility that should pique the interest of sports fans. There is a good chance of seeing history on the Centre Court when it is all said and done. First off, Federer had been looking for history last year at this time. He was one Grand Slam title behind Pete Sampras, and everyone expected his 2008 Wimbledon title to be his tying title. But with Nadal stopping him in the finals, we had to wait. He reached that milestone this year, winning the French Open. Now, we get the opportunity to see his tie-breaking win. A win would likely place him as arguably the best tennis player of all time.

In addition, there is a chance that we will witness something that hasn't been seen since 1936: a Brit hoisting the silver cup. In 1936, Fred Perry lifted it on Centre Court, but not since then has a local had that honor. Players have had opportunities before. Tim Henman, widely considered one of the most successful open era British tennis players, reached the semifinals four times in five years, but never played on the last day. But this year, Andy Murray, a Scotsman, has a chance to change that. He has steadily improved his finishes (3rd round, 4th round, quarterfinals) since turning pro in 2006. In 2008, his quarterfinal defeat was to eventual champion Nadal. This year, he is seeded 3rd going into the tournament.

I will be tuning in. Who knows, perhaps you can recount how you saw history in the making?

Monday, June 15, 2009

NBA: Next Year

The Finals are finally over. The Kobes beat the horribly outgunned Magic (should it have been LeBron? We can all dream of that matchup in our sleep). Now, though, thoughts for the other teams, from top (Lakers) to bottom (Sacramento), get to discuss next year, free agency, and the draft.

I was surfing yesterday and found an interesting article on the free agents in 2009. It predicted the destination of free agents, including restricted free agents and those with early termination options. Here are a few of the big names, and the ones that involve the Rockets. Some of those moves make sense to me, but some seem a little far-fetched.

  • Jason Kidd to Lakers: This move seems viable, considering how well Kidd played down the stretch. Fisher showed that he is inconsistent now, and Jordan Farmar is best suited coming off the bench. The only concern would be that money might go to resign Odom, although allowing him to walk now, with a healthy Bynum, Gasol, and Ariza would not be the end of the world.

  • Ben Gordon to Utah: While on paper, his offense would boost the Jazz into Finals contender, his defense and attitude might not fly in Utah. Jerry Sloan gets guys he wants, and I am not sure he is a fit with the coach. If it did work, moving Brewer to the bench and bringing him in would give them a sorely needed scorer with a lockdown defender on the bench.

  • Allen Iverson to Dallas: Interesting situation because Iverson has shown he cannot play at a high level. Detroit made one of the worst trades in recent memory by giving up Billups for Iverson. Billups might not be "Mr. Big Shot" anymore, but he brought that team together and to the conference finals. Dallas might take a flyer on AI if they lose Kidd, if for nothing else than the added publicity that Cuban craves.

  • Ron Artest to Toronto: I think this is a possibility, but a remote one at best. Ron is getting old enough that he is ready to win something. Therefore, I expect him signing a lower money deal (mid-level exception) to play for a contender. I can actually see him resigning in Houston after the way they played in the postseason.

  • Lamar Odom to Detroit: This is a risk for Detroit because Odom has shown a propensity NOT to be a huge player when counted on. Look at his time in Miami or the other LA jersey when he could not take charge and carry the team. Odom is best as a third option, creating matchup problems for opponents. In Detroit, he would fill Rasheed's shoes, playing as a small PF. But outside of Hamilton, he would have to score points. A bad combo. If he is smart, he resigns with LA or a similar contender, perhaps even a trip back to South Beach...

  • Andre Miller to Portland: If this happens, the Blazers get a boost in experience a play from probably the only position they were considered weak at. Steve Blake is solid, but he is not Andre Miller. With Roy, Aldridge, Oden, and the other great young guys they have, this signing could bring it together. That said, I don't see the Blazers scrapping the rebuild they have started. Decisions such as this have plagued them in the past. Look for them to spend wisely, waiting to see how the talent develops one more year before jumping into the free agent deep end.

  • Shawn Marion to Chicago: Another intriguing option, but I don't see it materializing. The Bulls are known to be slashing some payroll, but I don't think a reduced-price Marion will fit the bill. His athletic ability would be a better fit elsewhere, where the pace is up tempo. Perhaps a reunion in New York with his old boss is in order, especially since the Knicks are looking at a bleak shot at getting LeBron and keeping any players around him.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

MLB Draft

The MLB Amateur Draft wraps up today. The MLB Draft is different from any other major sport for one reason. In the NFL or NBA, a first rounder, second rounder, or, in the NFL, even a third rounder will start immediately and have an impact on your team. Moreover, the players getting drafted have been seen by fans on Saturdays or playing in March Madness. In baseball, nethier is true. Many are straight out of high school, and college baseball is not nearly as mainstream for everyday fans. Therefore, MLB drafts take some years to sort out and see how the picks perform.

One thing that annoys me is the everyday fan that thinks NFL when looking at a MLB draft. For instance, fans here in Houston were up in arms when a shortstop was selected in the first round. Pitching is an obvious need, but no one outside of perhaps Strasburg will be pitching in the MLB this year. In the long run, drafting for need will get you in trouble. You MUST draft best available player because, as fans must understand, prospects are called "prospects" for a reason. You can never be sure!

Players that appear to have the best future could turn out to be a bust. Even Jiovanni Meir, the new shortstop, could become the next Miguel Tejada, a serviceable player like Julio Lugo, or a flame out that never gets out of the minors. Very few players are "can't-miss" picks. And once you get out of the top 10, it gets even more hit or miss.

For instance, look at the 2004 draft. Players are 5 years removed from selection, and those that are going to be big leaguers are already there. Others may be journeymen, or bench players, but they have already shown their ceiling.

Pick 1. Matt Bush (Padres): made it to A ball, where he batted .219 in 3 seasons; traded after another off-field incident where he threw a high school lacrosse player "defending" his high school as "Matt [expletive] Bush!"

Pick 2. Justin Verlander (Tigers): debuted in July 2005; 53 wins and All-Star in 2007

Pick 3. Philip Humber (Mets): 25 MLB innings in 4 seasons; 22-20 in AAA for last two and a half seasons

Pick 4. Jeff Niemann (Rays): second ML season (7-6); 21-11 in two AAA seasons

Pick 5. Mark Rogers (Brewers): high A ball in two season; out for two years with shoulder surgeries

Missed opportunities for these teams included SS Stephen Drew (Diamondbacks), Jered Weaver (Angels), and Dustin Pedroia (Red Sox). As you can see, even top picks are not immune from never reaching the hype.

The other opportunity to draft best available is that many times, these players don't play for your major league club but will help the club. When the Astros drafted John Halama, Freddy Garcia, and Carlos Guillen, they didn't expect to get Randy Johnson. But by moving those players, they made a trade to try to get to the World Series in 1998. And if the prospect is that good, then the veteran moves for a better piece. If Evan Longoria hadn't displace Ty Wigginton, he wouldn't have been available to trade for Dan Wheeler and Ben Zhobrist, both of which played roles in the World Series run.